What you need to know

  • A new Samsung patent has reportedly been spotted, detailing a more personal AI summarization feature for Galaxy AI.
  • The patent users would be able to tell the AI how long or short they’d like the summary to be and what tone of voice it should use.
  • The AI would base its informational responses on a user’s search history, preferences, and more.

Information has surfaced regarding a new Galaxy AI feature Samsung is currently developing.

According to ChosunBiz (Korean),  Samsung has submitted a patent to the South Korean government detailing an upgraded AI summarization feature (via SamMobile). The KIPRIS patent system states Samsung has designed this feature to provide a more personalized summary experience.

The AI is said to examine a user’s “usage history” to provide answers appropriately. The patent reportedly adds that the AI will take into account a user’s preference, level of knowledge on various subjects, and more. Additionally, the AI will understand a user’s interests and “non-interests” by using their search history.

Users may also be able to customize how the AI provides a summary on a given topic. The publication states that Samsung aims for users to tell the AI how long they’d like the summary to be and its tone of voice. An example the Korean OEM provided in its patent reads, “please summarize in a long and negative tone.”

Speculation states Samsung could roll out this new feature on the Galaxy Z Flip 6 later this year. Only time will tell, as this could simply be a feature Samsung playtests but never releases for consumers.

What’s interesting about this “enhanced” AI summarization is that Samsung already rolled out a version of this with Galaxy AI. The Galaxy S24 series can summarize lengthy pieces of text, like a document or web page, for users. However, the patent details a feature that may bring a new level of customization to users.

We’re still waiting for several Galaxy AI features to arrive on Samsung’s past-gen devices, like the S23 series. The company detailed its plans to do so back in January, stating users will gain Circle to Search, live translation, Chat Assist, and the current summary feature. These are slated to arrive with its One UI 6.1 update, which still has yet to roll out.

If Samsung plans to release this feature in its next clamshell, it could happen in July. A rumor at the end of February suggested as much and also purported Samsung could hold its event in Paris, France.